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Scale Catalyst SESO survey

This interview is part of the Scaling Catalyst project, which focuses on enhancing the capacities of support organizations to aid social entrepreneurs in scaling their impact.


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The purpose of our survey is to gain insights into how you support social entrepreneurs, the specific challenges they face in scaling their solutions, and how you assess their success. Your valuable feedback will inform our efforts to create a guide that empowers Social Economy Support Organizations (SESOs) to provide more relevant and effective support, ultimately facilitating the scaling of social enterprises. The information gathered during the survey will be used only for internal purposes and will be available to the project partners (Reach for Change, Act Group, Group SOS Pulse, SEAL, and ScaleChanger). It might be shared with our funding authority if necessary, but it won’t be used in external communication. If at some point we want to use any quotes shared in external communications, we will reach out to consult with you.

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